Photos of my amazing clients:
(Sample of photographed series)
Photographing clients is always a unique matter. The whole mood of the resulting photos is influenced by the season of nature, the sun's rays, clouds and the atmosphere we create. You may notice that I often edit the photos in a slightly different way, because I try to highlight the feeling of the client and the mood in which we create the photos. Photos thus become a living organism with its own story, which you and I complete. There is always something new and unique.
I look forward to your own window into the "magical" world that we will capture together =)
Pár ukázek ze sérií:
(mnohem více fotografií z klientského focení najdete v pásu nad textem)
Thematic photography
The photo shoot is intended for those who care about the condition of the animals (I only work with years proven breeders) =)
I have been doing stylized photography for over 8 years. I always try to do the best possible work and offer you a similar quality of images, which I present on the international scene
I offer my clients a large selection of costumes and quality make-up artists, I work with the best people in the field.
I try to do my job honestly, so I pay attention to the minimum time of 30/40 minutes / customerBy taking photos, you always contribute to animal owners and give me the opportunity to collaborate on charitable projects that I would not otherwise be able to do - thank you very much for that =)
* Photography is always adapted to the well-being of animals, which is the foremost for me and their owners (I work with professionals in the field)
* I will not take photos outdoors in case of a storm! No picture is worth endangering your health =) (in this situation we take photos in the studio)
Shooting idea:
This specific photo shoot is my great passion and fun. I love the process of finding charm and beauty in people. A form that they may not know themselves. Discovering together who they are, capturing how they feel, but today's world does not offer them to show their selves in full beauty. I love to capture the beauty and tenderness of women and the strength, determination of men. I always take photos in nature, because it is we humans who come out of it and are internally connected with it. Animals are her go-between for me. Taking photos with them is not only a monument, but also an unforgettable experience. Cuddly Puštík Oskárek, wolf Demon with amber eyes, carved city into the rocks in the middle of the woods next to a magical lake with an overgrown island - this is my world and I offer you to enter it and experience your and my view of it together. To create a memory, a gateway to your realm and mine. How we feel and who we really are.
Shooting process
I recommend writing and arranging in person, the dates are busy and I do not list them on the website.
We start by meeting at a place designated by me, where I have rented facilities. Here, my make-up artist will prepare you and we will choose custom styling. Then we set off to the nearby nature, where photography takes place. You don't have to worry about communicating with you when taking photos and helping to create the right atmosphere for your photo =) Packages contain a low number of photos to ensure quality. In order for a photo to be good, we saw it for a longer time before we achieve an excellent result. However, it is possible to buy additional photos, which I send in the album for finishing.
I usually edit and send photos over the Internet within two weeks. I always try to approach photography individually, each person is different and a different expression, atmosphere or color is suitable for him =)
I look forward to your story, which we will create together!
* Please other photographers to refrain from copying my texts, thanks =)
Marys came to me from abroad and wanted to take photos with three stylings. I found a piece of her personality in each.
We portrayed an elven warrior, a Victorian lady and an Art Nouveau touch in romantic oriental styling.
At the first photo shoot we left the fox standing next to her, but she always jumped on the trunk and curled up to Marys in a demanding and let herself be cuddled with satisfaction = D
I asked Marys what was important to her and what she would like to say, she replied: I love all animals and I always feel honored when they return my love. I want to share this feeling of connection with the animal so that all people can see that there are bonds and trust between humans and animals and that this feeling is so important and rare
Petr a Viktorie
Úžasný pár, který mě nesmírně bavil =) Petr dostal focení k narozeninám a musím říct, že charisma pro tohle období i roli bylo tak neskutečné až přesahovala na mě za fotoaparát. Fotografie jsem doladila do chladnějších tónů a trochu si pohrála i s prostředím ve kterém jsme fotili aby mírně připomínalo Skotskou vrchovinu i když samozřejmě 90% toho, co vidíte je reálné.
David mi napsal pár slov o sobě:
Krásná památka. Udělalo nám to obrovskou radost a co je pro mě důležité?
Láska, svoboda a vnitřní síla – to sou moje životní hodnoty, které mě vystihují
Rád se sebevzdělávám, protože moje duše potřebuje růst, touží po neustálém dobrodružství a miluji tvořit, kde uplatňuji své talenty
Mojí životní láskou je Skotsko
Chci se obklopovat inspirativními lidmi a vysokou energií
Zatím jsem nepoznal své limity, především ve vnitřním nastavení
Na své cestě seberozvoje jsem nasekal mraky chyb, které mi posloužily jako cenné zkušenosti, abych se už pro 11té zbytečně nespálil (jsem znamení beran)
Jirka a Hana
Měla jsem velkou čest fotit tyto dva úžasné lidi, kteří milují romantickou atmosféru tak jako já. Jiří pořídil focení u mě své manželce k výročí svatby =)
Myslím, že podobné páry jsou obrovskou inspirací všem, kteří touží po krásné lásce na celý život.
Tito dva lidé mě naprosto uhranuli. Jirka je muž z kterého je cítit síla, rozvaha a moudrost. Z jeho ženy Hany naopak celou dobu vyzařovala něha a laskavost. Vsadím se, že ji i vy můžete vidět v jejích nádherných modrých očích.
Zeptala jsem se Jiřího, který zařídil toto focení pro svou úžasnou ženu, zda má nějakou „radu“ na podobně šťastné manželství jako mají oni a Jirka mi napsal:
Základem je, žít s člověkem, kterého si můžu vážit, dát partnerovi svobodu, když dojde k napětí, tak to umět vykomunikovat, uznat i svoji chybu, rozmyslet si, jestli je důležitější moje pravda nebo láska
Děkuji za krásná slova a přeji manželům mnoho dalších nádherných let a Vám abyste našli svou spřízněnou duši, nebo s ní mohly zažít tolik nádherných let.