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Short Bio
Apart from my creations and clients, I also like to participate in various charity projects, because I like my photos to overlap. If you are interested in cooperation and have a good idea, don't be afraid to contact me.
Gump the dog
Calendar for the film and book Gump the dog who taught people to live. The photo shoot took place with the actors who participated in the filming. The story of the dog Gump tells about his life journey, on which he had to overcome many obstacles. Both the film and the book, which became a bestseller, primarily have a charitable purpose. Such personalities as K. Roden, E. Holubová, I. Chýlková and many others appear in the calendar.
(Un)discovered faces of monuments
ANDutor project, the winning mission of the Česká spořitelna competition, focused on the beauties of our country, implemented in cooperation with Czech personalities (Klára Issová, Lucie Vondráčková and others) and the National Institute of Monuments with the aim of creating a national, popular science edition about our lesser-known monuments, which are included in the project Undiscovered Monuments of the NPÚ (Zámek Dačice, Uherčice, Nebílovy, Velké Březno and others).
I am part of nature
The artistic and educational project was created with a good vision and intention in the cooperation of four women. The project aims to involve a wider audience in the issue of man and his relationship with nature. The I am a part of nature project aims to help selected rescue stations not only by raising awareness of their work, but also by financial support, which the project receives from the sale of calendars.
I enjoy the world with my dog
I enjoy the world with a dog is an organization that perceives animals as people's closest friends. And the trust of animals in humans is for us the greatest honor that we must protect. We don't have to change the whole world. It is enough if we save the lives of specific animals, because in doing so we will change their world forever. Every year, this organization creates a calendar of photos of famous people and dogs. The photos help to find a new home and the money collected from the sale of the calendar contributes to shelters and dogs.

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