(Un)discovered faces of monuments
About the beauties of our country (ČS)
ANDutor project, the winning mission of the Česká spořitelna competition, focused on the beauties of our country, realized in cooperation with Czech personalities and the National Institute of Monuments with the aim of creating a national, popular education edition about our lesser-known monuments, which are included in the Undiscovered Monuments project of the NPÚ.
The project will end with a final opening to help needed buildings, because it is our history that creates who we are today. We could loftily say that it is about helping current artists, artists of the past.
The project not only points to the material beauty of the country, but also presents personalities from various fields,
which I chose for their character and attitudes towards life. One of the ideas of the project was to support the pride of our nation, because the beauty that our homeland offers, be it buildings or people, rightly deserves it...
project author Marketa Novak
(graduate of Christian art history, UK, professional photographer)
The project can also be found under the name "About the beauties of our country" - this is the winning mission of the Už.vím competition
Czech savings banks
Monuments with artists involved in the project:
(according to the order of the photos below the text)
Nebílovy Castle - LENNY
Vimperk Castle - Hanka Vagnerová
Uherčice Castle - Terezie Kovalová
Dačice Castle - Klára Issová
New Castle - Lucie Vondráčková
Libochovice Castle - Gabriela Koukalová with her husband
Velké Březno Castle - Markéta Procházková
Stenkík Castle - Sandra Marková (fashion designer)
Rájec nad Svitavou Castle - the PONER siblings
Valeč Castle - Eva Toulová (director)
Raduň Castle - Hanka Zemanová (organic cook)
Lenny a Nebílovy Castle

Photo story:
The story of the photo from the author of the project (No) Discovered Faces of Monuments:
You can see Lenny in a beautiful ballroom, the decoration of which is absolutely unique in the Czech Republic. The painting was entrusted to Antonín Tuvor. The entire illusive painting of the subtropical landscape is painted with a dose of fantasy, so you can see beech leaves on tropical palm trees and squirrels running around in the crowns. The restoration work that took place here three years ago is interesting. The ceiling painting first had to be cut into 600 sheets, stored for a long time until the vault was repaired, and after 45 years it was transferred back to the ceiling of the hall. A copy of a large Venetian chandelier hangs in the hall. However, you can also see a real Venetian mirror and an original Venetian chandelier in the castle. Lenny holds a gladioli in her hand. I chose this one because the decoration of the second part of the castle is focused on furniture with floral decorations. For example, you can see plates from the 18th century decorated with gladioli.
I chose Lenny for the project because she is an energetic young girl who is currently conquering the world. Full name Lenka Filipová, daughter of the singer Lenka Filipová, focused on a musical career as a singer and lyricist of her own songs. She became famous with the song "All my love". In the following years, her work won the Anděl awards for Album of the Year, Song of the Year and Singer of the Year. She was also nominated for the Czech Nightingale. With her other well-known song "Hello", she celebrated success in Italy, where she was invited as a talk show guest and performed this song at the Wind Music Awards in Verona. You could also find her in Forbes magazine's 30 under 30 article about the most successful young people. I admire Lenny not only for her talent, but above all for the humanity and honesty with which she approaches her profession:)

Photo story:
In the photo you can see the rear wing of the Nebílovy castle. This is what the entire building looked like in the middle of the 20th century. The front wing has now been restored to its original beautiful form. But I chose this view as an example of the state in which many similar monuments were in the 1950s, and many of them still exist today. Half of the castle interior is still awaiting restoration, the other half has been restored and you can see the ballroom in it (previous photo). The castle was built by Adam Jindřich Count of Steinau, Imperial General and Marshal of the Republic of Venice. Perhaps that is why we can find many elements atypical for Bohemia in the castle. The building was built according to the plans of Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt, who designed the famous castles Mirabell in Salzburg or the Belvedere in Vienna.
Photo, project author: Marketa Novak
Personality: Lenny
Location: Nebílovy castle
Mission competition I already know - České spořitelny
Dress: Sandra Mark
Makeup: Tereza Dellamária
The project "(Un)discovered faces of monuments" was created in cooperation with National Institute of Monuments
More about the castle:https://www.zamek-nebilovy.cz/cs
More about the project:https://www.marketanovak.cz/ne-objevene-tvare-pamatek
Interesting behind the scenes:https://uzvim.cz/blog/marketa/posty/51-nebilovy-lenny
Hanka Vágnerová and Vimperk castle

Photo story:
You can see the actress Hana Vágnerová in the Renaissance hall, which is hidden in the southern wing of the Lower Castle. The Renaissance Hall was created at the beginning of the 17th century. Around 1730, however, it was covered by a Baroque addition, which divided it into four rooms and a corridor with partitions. In the second half of the 20th century, the castle premises served as the offices of the South Bohemian State Forests and other forestry companies, and after the revolution as the offices of the National Park and the Šumava PLA. Paradoxically, it reached its current state only after the revolution, when the offices were moved out and the castle was no longer maintained. Most of the rooms therefore look very similar to the room in the photo - that is, without furniture and with restoration probes in the plaster. Behind Hanka, you can see an exposed part of the Renaissance painting of the original hall, which she points to with a scaled-down painted board in her hand. Perhaps an even bigger surprise for us will be the discovery that above the Baroque building there is a preserved wooden coffered ceiling from the Renaissance period. Vimperk Castle is currently unique precisely because it allows all the historical phases of the castle to stand out.
Hanka Vágnerová is a well-known Czech theater and film actress. You could see it, for example, in divadleh ABC, Disk or Extrem. He also often portrays roles in television shows, such as the series Burn and Tell. She also acted in the film Bathory. Before studying at DAMU, she was actively engaged in modeling. During the photo shoot, Hanka impressed me with her inexhaustible energy and self-confidence. The entire photo shoot went by quickly and we laughed heartily many times.

Photo story:
Another photo refers to the memory of little Annemarie Heske, who grew up in the Vimper castle in the 1930s. At that time, the castle belonged to the Schwarzenberg family, and little Annemarie's father, Ing. Rudolf Heske was the director of the Schwarzenberg estate, whose administration was based at the castle. The memory of Annemarie standing in the courtyard and holding a tray with glasses ready for a toast is related to the Schwarzenbergs. JUDr. was coming to visit the castle. Adolf Schwarzenberg and the visit was rare indeed. Glass is also connected to the castle in another way, as part of the castle is the Museum of Vimperska with an extensive collection of glass.
Photo, project author: Marketa Novak
Personality: Hanka Vagnerová
Location: Vimperk Castle
Mission competition I already know - České spořitelny
Dress: PONER
Makeup: Tereza Dellamária
The project "(Un)discovered faces of monuments" was created in cooperation with National Institute of Monuments
More about the castle:https://www.zamek-vimperk.cz/cs
More about the project:https://www.marketanovak.cz/ne-objevene-tvare-pamatek
Interesting behind the scenes:https://uzvim.cz/blog/marketa/posty/64-zamek-vimperk-hana-vagnerova
Terezie Kovalová and Uherčice castle

Photo story:
Another photo comes from the monumental banquet hall, which was used for social purposes. Due to its excellent acoustic properties, it is still occasionally used to organize concerts. Here you can see Teresa as a goddess with a bow, with this symbol I wanted to refer to the wall paintings in the hall. Here you can see Apollo depicted with his muses, which beautifully express Teresa's musical and artistic focus. Originating from Greek mythology, the god Apollo has the power of light, healing, art, archery, dance and reason. His attributes include, for example, a bow with arrows, wolves or a lyre. His sister was the goddess Artemis. Another interesting feature of this hall are the windows, which are replicas of the original ones. The British Foundation Friends of Czech Monuments contributed 30,000 pounds to save the ceiling in a state of emergency.
Terezie Kovalová is a well-known cellist who played with the Ostrava Philharmonic at the age of thirteen and later graduated from the conservatory. He actively plays in several bands. She collaborated on the Calm Season project and played with the bands Boris Carloff, David Stypka and others. Terezia is also a teacher and an occasional model. You can see her in the collection of Karl Lagerfeld, one of the most prestigious fashion brands.
During the photo shoot, Terezia impressed me not only with her love for art and history, but also with her skills. In a red dress, she moved around the castle like a goddess. One of the most beautiful moments of the project for me was when she played her cello for us on the half-demolished steps of the courtyard.

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You can see Terezia on the stairs of the main courtyard with her professional instrument, the cello. In the background, beautiful Renaissance arcades open up, under which Baroque sculptures are now placed, which were originally erected in a Baroque French park. In this photo, I have highlighted the current state of the castle, which it reached during the second half of the 20th century. For example, one of the most beautiful halls, the summer dining room, served as a local gym. Thanks to its charm and condition, we could aptly call the castle Cinderella among castles. The oldest part of the Renaissance castle dates back to the mid-16th century, most of the buildings were completed in the 1690s. The castle has a very romantic impression, and one would hardly believe that its history spanned half a millennium.
However, his age gives him even more charm. I definitely recommend it to visit.
Photo, project author: Marketa Novak
Personality: Terezia Kovalová
Location: Uherčice castle
Mission competition I already know - České spořitelny
Dress: PONER
Makeup: Tereza Dellamária
The project "(Un)discovered faces of monuments" was created in cooperation with National Institute of Monuments
More about the castle:https://www.zamek-uhercice.cz/cs
More about the project:https://www.marketanovak.cz/ne-objevene-tvare-pamatek
Klára Issová and the Dačice castle

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I sat Klara on an Empire chair in the middle of the library from the early 20th century. I chose this place not only for its beauty, but also for its interest. The local lords had a deep interest in science and natural sciences. For that reason, I placed a few butterflies on Klárka's dress in a somewhat surreal way. They thus refer to the castle's collections of stuffed birds, minerals, but also to cassettes with butterflies. In the library of Dačické Castle there is also a travelogue written by Baron Friedrich Egbert Dalberg himself. The painting of the young baroness Terezia Dalberg is also exceptional. The owners had this portrait painted cheaply by a young painter, and by a stroke of fate, one of the most valuable works of the Dačicky Castle was created. František Kupka was a beginning painter at that time, who became one of the most famous Czech painters.
Klára Issová is a well-known Czech actress. She studied music and drama at the Prague Conservatory and then got a permanent job at Divadle pod Palmovka. She was nominated several times for the Czech Lion, which she won for the best female performance in roce 1997. She starred in more than 65 films, the most famous of which are Indian Summer, Vague report about the end of the world, Bouquet, Angel of the Lord , The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian or The Damage of Love. This year, she took the lead role in Desperate Women Do Desperate Things. She played roles in several foreign films such as Johanka z Arku,
Mists of Avalon and more. She has also appeared in many television shows. If I were to mention one of the strongest and most interesting personalities I have met in my life, it would be Klára Issová. He is not only a personality of theaters and spotlights, but above all he is a personality of his inner world and opinions.

Photo story:
In the photo, you can see Klára in front of the glazed arcades of the courtyard, which inspired her to choose this castle. An interesting historical story is attached to them. Today's appearance of the castle is classic with Empire elements. However, its history dates back to the Renaissance. During the repairs of this courtyard wall, the walled Renaissance arcades were reopened at the beginning of the twentieth century. Another interesting thing about this photo is the replica of the sword that Klára is holding. The sword has two meanings and stories. The first meaning is associated with the Dalberg family, who owned this castle. They had the privilege of preferential knighthood due to the deed their ancestor had demonstrated alongside the Holy Roman Emperor. The second sadder fact is that the family died out by the sword.
Photo, project author: Marketa Novak
Personality: Klára Issová
Location: Dačice castle
Mission competition I already know - České spořitelny
Dress: Sandra Mark
Makeup: Tereza Dellamária
The project "(Un)discovered faces of monuments" was created in cooperation with National Institute of Monuments
More about the castle:https://www.zamek-dacice.cz/cs
More about the project:https://www.marketanovak.cz/ne-objevene-tvare-pamatek
Lucie Vondráčková and Nové Hrady Castle

Photo story:
In the first photo from of this series you can see a beautiful snapshot of Lucky with the horse Armand in front of the north entrance gate. I chose Lucia for this castle on purpose, because the building in Nový Hrady is one of the oldest monuments of our project. Its history dates back to the middle of the 13th century. Around the castle you can see one of the largest dry moats in Central Europe. In this way, I connected a somewhat unique and different building with such an important and popular personality as Lucie. The horses are also from_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_for some reason, as it suggests a local legend that gives the monument an air of mystery and a touch of the immediate past. Castle legend tells of monks who haunted the south tower. V nights always appeared to the lodgers and asked them the question: "Which animal did God not create?" No one could answer correctly. The unfortunates then fell ill, wasted away and often died suddenly. Until once a brave blacksmith who knew the answer came to the_castle. When a crowd of monks appeared to him at night, he answered them that it was only a horse, for it had hooves like the devil, and when it lay down it did not kneel on the ground like other animals.
However, Armando is not just any horse. This is a professional film horse of the Czech Baroque Society. You could see him, for example, in The Three Musketeers and in the upcoming series Carnival Row alongside Orlando Bloom. You will also see him at many performances, for example at Křivoklání or Kutnohorský Stríbrení. So this time I captured two personalities in the photo.
I chose Lucia Vondráčková for the project for her personal charm, character and attitudes.
You may remember her from the TV series Arabela Returns, The Queen of Flowers or as the host of Marmeláda. She also starred in several feature films, such as Bathory, Labyrinth, Babovřesky, Kvaska, in the Canadian The Perfect Kiss and many others.
She is also known as a theater actress, for example she played in Národní divadle in Satin slipper, in Satin Slipper, in Richard Rokoján in Rokojka, in the theater III. theater association Kašpar and others. She also played roles in the musicals Excalibur, Starci na chmelu or the musical Desire. At the same time, he is engaged in dubbing and radio.
For several years in a row, she won the TýTý audience poll in the singer category.
I love that despite the success of her entire career, she remains a very pleasant woman who still retains her soft feminine and childlike side, which I also appreciate very much.

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For this photo, I decided to prioritize the atmosphere of the place. You can see Luca standing in the window alcove of the ladies' lounge by the beautiful Rococo-decorated cage. The ladies' lounge is equipped with furniture that was the original equipment of the Novigrad castle. It is currently inaccessible to the public, as the scientific workplace of the Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences is located there.
Photo, project author: Marketa Novak
Personality: Lucie Vondráčková
Location: Nové Hrady Castle
Mission competition I already know - České spořitelny
Dress: PONER
Makeup: Tereza Dellamária
The project "(Un)discovered faces of monuments" was created in cooperation with National Institute of Monuments
More about the castle:https://www.hrad-novehrady.cz/cs
More about the project:https://www.marketanovak.cz/ne-objevene-tvare-pamatek
Interesting behind the scenes:https://uzvim.cz/blog/marketa/posty/58-hrad-nove-hrady-lucie-vondrackova
Mr. and Mrs. Koukal and Libochovice castle

Photo story:
The first joint photograph of the Koukals comes from the Sala terren, an essential part of the Italian doge's baroque palaces of the 18th century. These were used for pleasant rest in the hot summer months. The ceiling is decorated with shells from the Mediterranean Sea, the smaller clams come from Ohra. The relief decoration is supposed to evoke the feeling of an underwater cave, which is definitely worth seeing.
Gabriela Koukalová is one of our most successful and well-known sportswomen. She won a number of medals and awards, she is a former Czech representative in biathlon. Among other things, she defended two silver medals at the Winter Olympics in Sochi and became the sprint and relay world champion in 2017.
Petr Koukal is a nine-time champion of the Czech Republic in badminton. After serious health problems, he founded the Petr Koukal Foundation, where he tries to change men's thinking with the help of lectures.

Photo story:
For this photo, I preferred the moment of the moment.
In the background you can notice a small detail that refers to a local attraction. In the past, Duke Zikmund Báthory, a relative of the infamous Countess Alžběta Báthory, owned the chateau of Libochovice for a short time. Like most of the members of the family, he suffered idiosyncrasies. In the summer, he would have a sleigh hitched to his horse and ride perhaps through this very garden.
Photo, project author: Marketa Novak
Personality: Gabriela and Petr Koukal
Location: Libochovice castle
Mission competition I already know - České spořitelny
Dress: Sandra Mark
Makeup: Tereza Dellamária
The project "(Un)discovered faces of monuments" was created in cooperation with National Institute of Monuments
More about the castle:https://www.zamek-libochovice.cz/cs
More about the project:https://www.marketanovak.cz/ne-objevene-tvare-pamatek
Interesting behind the scenes:https://uzvim.cz/blog/marketa/posty/61-libochovice-gabriela-koukalova-a-manzel
Markéta Procházková and Velké Březno castle

Photo story:
In the photo, you can see Markéta Procházková in the Music Lounge of Count Karel Chotek's castle. Velké Březno Castle is one of the smallest and most beautiful in our country. It was built as one of the last noble residences in the Czech lands.
I placed Markéta next to the piano in the photo to emphasize her musical background. He is holding a photo of the Chotka family. It shows Karel Chotek with his family. It is not by chance that attention is paid to this photograph, which is a copy of one of the oldest photographs in the world taken by the daguerreotype method. Above the piano you can notice the effigies of Karl's two sons. The daughter of one of them, Žofia, became the wife of Ferdinand d'Este. The dog lying at Markéta's feet is Bára's female. She lives in a castle with the local castellan and she was just willing to take a picture with us. We didn't want to reject her also because dogs were an integral part of manor houses:) Through the open door we look into the ballroom, which is one of the nicest rooms in this castle. But you have to go and see for yourself :)
I chose Markéta for her positive energy. She is an excellent musical singer, she has already performed more than twenty musical roles in the Kalich, Karlín and Broadway theaters. You could see her, for example, in the musical Bonnie & Clyde as Bonnie. She is also the winner of the Jihlava Nightingale and Rozjezdy pro hvjezda competition. Last year, she also appeared in the TV show Your face has a familiar voice, where she perfectly portrayed the singer Pink and other personalities of the singing world. He currently teaches singing at the Jaroslav Ježek Conservatory in Prague.
I have to say that I really appreciate both of her professions. Musical singers have a perfect command of singing, acting and dancing, and it is a lot of hard work to connect these performances in an excellent way, which brings us a beautiful experience. I also like that she decided to become a teacher, because passing on knowledge and skills is a worthy and important activity...

Photo story:
In the photo you can see the south facade. It is interesting that the villa architecture, so popular in the 19th century, acquired its model already in antiquity, when rich townspeople went to rest outside the city. Karel Chotek built this house as his retirement villa. The site of the new castle building is well chosen, because the nearby railway line connects Prague and Dresden, and in its time a steam train ran along it. Unfortunately, Karel Chotek is a somewhat neglected Czech personality. He held the office of the highest burgrave of the Kingdom of Bohemia and truly fulfilled his life. Thanks to his initiative, streets and squares were paved, sewers were installed, public health and charity buildings were built, public parks, tree rows, and landscaping commissions were established. I was surprised at how many projects he was responsible for and what unique gifts he received for them. In Prague, Chotkovy sady or Chotkova street are named after him. In my opinion, he is a person who really lived for other people and for future generations. That's why I liked the connection of the castle with Markéta Procházková, who is an expectant mother, so she also symbolizes a representative of the new generation...
Photo, project author: Marketa Novak
Personality: Markéta Procházková
Location: Velké Březno Castle
Mission of the competition I already know - České spořitelny
Dress: PONER
Makeup: Tereza Dellamária
The camera in the first photo is borrowed from the FotoŠkoda Center
The project "(Un)discovered faces of monuments" was created in cooperation with the National Monuments Institute
More about the castle:https://www.zamek-vbrezno.cz/cs
Interesting behind the scenes:https://uzvim.cz/blog/marketa/posty/23-velke-brezno-
The PONER siblings and the castle Rajec nad Svitavou

Photo story:
You can see Nikol and Jakub in the large classicist library of the Rájek Castle. One of the owners of the castle was the founder of the first masonic lodge in Moravia, whose members also met at the Paradise castle. The library contains 60 000 volumes of books in six languages from the oldest manuscripts from the 14th century to first prints from the 15th century to technical literature of the 20th century. It includes books on architecture, philosophy, natural science, technology and also contains many volumes on occult sciences that served the Freemasons. I would also like to mention something interesting about this photo shoot. We chose the dress for Nikol basically at random, and the bigger surprise was when we saw a very similar cut and color on
to one of the paintings in the dining room.
The Poner siblings became famous with their own fashion brand PONER. Jakub started as a designer for Natuzzi and Deichmann, in his free time he also worked as a stylist. In 2015, he and his sister Nikol founded their own brand, in just three years they became well-known and recognized fashion designers. Today, they dress most famous personalities and you can find their wonderful salon in close to Pařížská Street. Their style is characterized by precision, quality fabrics, the use of lace, beads and crystals. I chose the siblings for the project because their work is very close to me, I feel a lot of careful work behind it. I also admire the connection of two talents, the organizational talent of Nikol and the creative, artistic Jakub. There are few people who are able to fully utilize their talent.

Photo story:
You can see the Poner siblings in this photo in the family gallery. In this composition, I used an enfilade of rooms. This element has been used since the 16th century. The passageways of the rooms are arranged in such a way that you can see through the entire wing from the first room to the last.
Photo, project author: Marketa Novak
Personality: Nikol and Jakub Poner
Location: Uherčice castle
Mission competition I already know - České spořitelny
Dress: PONER
Makeup: Tereza Dellamária
The project "(Un)discovered faces of monuments" was created in cooperation with National Institute of Monuments
More about the castle:https://www.zamekrajec.cz/cs
More about the project:https://www.marketanovak.cz/ne-objevene-tvare-pamatek
The PONER siblings and the castle Rajec nad Svitavou

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In the photo you can see the south wing of the castle. Its atmosphere is reminiscent of a castle and a terraced garden of an Italian province. Stenkík Castle was built around the middle of the 18th century by Count Jan František Kulhánek of Klaudenstein out of love for his bride, the Imperial Countess Maria Franciska of Hohenembs. First, he carried out extensive rococo alterations to the castle and then established a beautiful Italian terraced garden for his future wife, richly decorated with sculptures and decorative vases, said to remind her of her homeland, northern Italy.
The damaged plaster of the castle, more than 40 years old, corresponds to the condition of many important historical monuments of the area. Nearby Žatec offers many interesting historical buildings when visiting Stekník.
Sandra Marková is a Czech fashion designer. She graduated from the secondary and higher vocational school of clothing design in Prague. Already in high school, she won numerous awards. V currently creates under the brand Sandra Mark. People come from different corners of Europe for her dresses. Sandra also dresses a number of Czech personalities. You could see her dress, for example, at the Czech Miss announcement, where she dressed the finalists in evening gowns. Now she is preparing a collection for Czech Miss Lea Šteflíčková at Miss Universe.
I chose Sandra for the photo shoot because, in my opinion, she is one of the best Czech fashion designers. Her work is precise and romantic. What I like about her is that despite all her professional achievements, Sandra is a very sweet and modest girl with a heart on her palm.

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The photo comes from the main so-called ballroom. It is located above the ground floor hall. The beautiful painting of the hall represents an antique temple with a depiction of the four elements. It comes from the workshop of the famous painter Krystoph Seckel, a master of perspective painting, who also participated in the decoration of the Spanish Hall of Prague Castle. Sandra Mark's scattered dress may remind you of a flower, a motif so typical of the decoration of the local rococo castle. You will meet him here on the paintings on the walls and on the ceilings, on the stucco decoration of the interiors and on the rich facade of the exterior. In the photograph, we have acknowledged the current repairs of the original wooden parquets, as they are an authentic narrative of the state of the monument undergoing restoration.
Photo, project author: Marketa Novak
Personality: Sandra Mark
Location: Stekník castle
The winning mission of the I ALREADY KNOW Česká spořitelna competition
Dress: Sandra Mark
Makeup: Tereza Dellamária
The project "(Un)discovered faces of monuments" was created in cooperation with National Institute of Monuments
Eva Toulová and Valeč Castle

Photo story:
The first photo from Valeč Castle comes from the best-preserved and restored room. As you can see Eva Toulová in motion, so i this castle has a very eventful history. Most of the original interiors disappeared in a fire in 1976, when the castle served as a children's home. This hall is called Braun's in honor of one of the best baroque sculptors in our country, Matyáš Bernard Braun. For example, Braun is the author of part of the sculptural decoration of the Charles Bridge and also decorated the castle park and the Church of the Holy Trinity in Valč. Here in the hall you can admire the beautiful inlaid floors.
Eva Toulová is a young director. She studied directing at FAMU, shot three feature films Šťastná, Camino na kollokách and Jak se moří revisoři, which is currently in cinemas. In addition to film, she is also engaged in writing and painting, she has written several books such as Vanitas, Šťastná, Sedmero vran or Alenka v údivu. I chose Eva Toulová for the project with the original idea, when I wanted to point out young promising artists to people. I was fascinated by Eva as a Renaissance person, and I also like that she is based on Czech artistic creation with her delicacy and positive tuning to life.

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I chose a somewhat unconventional composition for this photo as a contrast of the demolished staircase with the renovated exterior of the castle. At first glance, the scenery reminded me that most structures like this stand on much older foundations. The resulting shape is the result of many hundreds of years of rebuilding. A Gothic castle or fortress used to stand on the site of today's castle. However, the interior of the castle is before renovation, so it is more reminiscent of the state of the staircase than the massive buildings in the background.
Photo, project author: Marketa Novak
Personality: Eva Toulová
Location: Valeč castle
Mission competition I already know - České spořitelny
Dress: PONER
The project "(Un)discovered faces of monuments" was created in cooperation with National Institute of Monuments
More about the castle:https://www.zamek-valec.cz/cs
More about the project:https://www.marketanovak.cz/ne-objevene-tvare-pamatek
Hanka Zemanová and Raduň castle

Photo story:
I placed another photo in the space where I was attracted by the beautiful carved staircase from the 19th century.
Originally a Gothic castle stood on the site of the chateau, which was later rebuilt in the Renaissance and Baroque style. Its present form is the result of imperial and historicizing changes that accompanied the former residence of the Blücher princes from Wahlstat throughout the 19th century. In 1903, the castle attic was adapted, to the southern part of which a staircase of carved oak led. From oken of the new castle library and his private study, the lord of the castle looked down into the valley at the castle park and pond. Its surface still reflects the romantic silhouette of the castle with the towers and terraces of the castle wall.
Hanka Zemanová is a writer focusing on organic food and organic agriculture. Basically, it is a healthy and ecological approach to food and its cultivation. She already has several books, her first book Biokuchařka was published in circulation exceeding 100,000 copies. During the photo shoot, I was thrilled by how energetic and strong this woman is. I think she herself is the best proof that a healthy lifestyle is reflected in the whole person :)

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The photo comes from the beautiful castle gardens of Raduň Castle. Hanka is holding a basket with herbs grown in the garden intended for kitchen herbs and medicinals. It connected to the upper ornamental garden with empire orangery. Both the garden and the orangery from 1826 were completely devastated in the post-war years. Their restoration belongs to the exceptional projects of the National Institute of Monuments. The flowers of subtropical and domestic vegetation and the aroma of citrus trees and their fully ripe fruits have been delighting the public since 2004.
Photo, project author: Marketa Novak
Personality: Hana Zemanová
Location: Valeč castle
Mission competition I already know - České spořitelny
Dress: Sandra Mark
The project "(Un)discovered faces of monuments" was created in cooperation with National Institute of Monuments
More about the castle:https://www.zamek-radun.cz/cs
More about the project:https://www.marketanovak.cz/ne-objevene-tvare-pamatek