Fantasy and fairytale
The world of fairy tales is a magical realm where good and truth have their last word.
I created my work with the main intention, to give people a moment of rest and relaxation
over everyday worries. Create a small place for soul pleasure and relaxation.

Mystic owl
Model: Klára Šlechtová

Sv. Františka ...
model: Kateřina Krobová

Gold fox / Zlatá liška ...
model: Kristýna Zikmundová

The wild / Divoká ...
model: Víťa Tůmová
award: 3rd Megapixel, In motion

Model: Charvátová

Young Galadriel
Model: Amálie Sýkorová

Model: Jesenya Sitknikova
dress: Marketa Novak
Make-up, hairytale: Tereza Dellamaria

Model: Zuzana Kushniruk
dress: Chotronette
Earrings: Elves Luna

Falcon / Sokol
model: Hana Vágnerová
award: 1st place Megapixel

Wolf / Vlk
model: Klára Issová

Model: Zuzana Kushniruk
dress: Chotronette
Earrings: Elves Luna

The brave / Rebelka
model: Natalie Staňová
dress: Maria Heller design
horse: Calvin

model: Natalia Staňová
Lesní bohyně / Forest goddness
Model: Anežka Pohorská

Falcon / Sokol
model: Hana Vágnerová
award: 1st place Megapixel

Model: Marie Krobová
dress: Chotronette

Model: Zuzana Kushniruk a René
Šperky: Elvenlune

Princess / Princess
Model: Tamara Vaňusová
Black angels
Model: Laura Besser

Model: Simona Bubnik
dress: Salón Maya
crown: A Mon Seul Desire (Paris)

Model: Terezia Pikvik

Éowyn and Faramir
Model: Marie Renčová Kružíková, David Vysoký
MUA: Erika Příhodová

The virgin of the lake
Model: Kateřina Surovcová

Beren and Luthien
The most beautiful love story from Tolkien's world. You may notice a few allusions as early as Lord of the Rings, where the elves sing it in the forest realms. Even Tolkien himself said about him that he was inspired by the story of his wife, whom he loved immensely. He had the name Luthien carved on her tombstone…
It is a story about a mortal man who falls in love with a beautiful elf princess, but the girl's family does not agree with this and so begins a long story of their love, in which Huan - a werewolf helps them. Arwen, for example, is their descendant.
model: Roman Dvořák and Lucie Černá
dress, dog: Nikola Brabcová
crown: A Mon Seul Desire (Paris)

Joan of Arc
Model: Lenka Regalová

Liška / Fox
Model: Marie Hlávková

Liška / Fox
Model: Zuzana Kushniruk
Model: Anežka Pohorská, Nela Ďuríšková